Sitemap - 2023 - The Exhale 💨

How to crank gratitude up to 1000

I've reached the end of the fiction experiment

Stripper Envy

The Strings of Imagination

The Mushroom's Final Act

Adventure or Vacation?

How to make fire

Work, Duty, Fulfillment, Tightropes

Anam Cara event: How to start and facilitate your own men's group

The Recon Mission

The M-M-Magic Show

The Eagle's Shining Stone

The Social Ladder

Bad Grass

Your Relationship to Your Word

Never Rob Someone of Their Ability to Give

The Demon of Gain

Mothers Against Scruff Grabbing

Cheating Time


Abuela and The Hand of Adversity

Sparrow and the Mound of Rope

Defiance: The Living Arrow

Silent Guide: The Soul's True North

Audacity, Not Talent

What it's like to be a circle

The Messenger

The Tale of Three Hands

Life's Resentment: The Celestial Discourse

The Butterly Trap

Platform the Treasonists

The Pissing Contest

Joy the Great Goddess Bear

The Gallery Maid

Impeccable Integrity

The Queen of Boredom

90 Day Experiment

Are you in a committed relationship and want to level up?

10 Things I Learned from 1 of the Best Relationship Experts in the World

The Samurai's Page

The Magic is in the Middle

Relationship Myth: Happy Wife Happy Life

Magic Pill: A Therapy Session

DIY 360 Interview

Got Range?

Why she won't give you space

Relationship Myth: There's no "i" in team

Lizard brain, monkey brain, human brain

How to Fuck Up Your Sex Life: A Guide

Does that make me gay?

Dealing with Financial Pressure

how to skip levels

what if you were more confident?

Couples Camp Sold Out

"How do you approach stuckness?"